Functional Capacity Evaluation

Lynda Foreman is a Practicing Kinesiologist .  She has completed extensive training with Roy Matheson and Associates in Functional Capacity Evaluations as well as Forensic Rehabilitation. 

A Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) objectively measures the employee’s functional abilities and restrictions (i.e. strength, dexterity, endurance, etc.).  It is an intensive 1-day or 2-day evaluation that focuses on work specific tolerances and functional abilities.  The employee will be asked to perform a variety of different functional tasks such as bending, lifting, carrying, walking, standing, sitting; based on the requirements of their job.  The results of the FCE may then be compared to specific job requirements to help facilitate a safe and timely return to the workforce.             

The evaluation provides information with respect to muscular endurance, overall conditioning and repetitive and sustained working tolerances such as overhead reaching or working at low levels.  This assessment objectively documents an individual’s current physical ability, work tolerances, and limitations, which are valuable in case resolution.  Subjective and objective findings are documented as well as level of consistency between these findings.  This type of assessment may also be referred to a Functional Abilities Evaluation or FAE.